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T.L. Swetnam, Ph.D.

About Me

Tyson Swetnam is a Research Associate Professor of Geoinformatics at The University of Arizona (UArizona) and the Director of Open Science in the Institute for Computation and Data-enabled Insight. Dr. Swetnam earned graduate degrees from the UArizona's College of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Science (CALES) in Watershed Management (ecohydrology and disturbance ecology) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) prior to his faculty appointment. He holds joint appointments in the School of Natural Resources and Environment and the BIO5 Institute. Dr. Swetnam's research covers a broad range of science and cyberinfrastructure applications where he collaborates with a diverse group of data science oriented projects in both Life and Earth Sciences. Dr. Swetnam is Co-principal investigator of CyVerse, the largest ever investment in cyberinfrastructure for the Life Sciences by The National Science Foundation; he also leads and co-leads multiple extramural research awards focused on data science, remote sensing of the environment, artificial intelligence and machine learning.





public cyberinfrastructure for science




Mountain topographic control over forest carbon reservoirs (Swetnam et al. 2017)

Personal research interests include applied use of cyberinfrastructure for geospatial analysis, data science best practices for reproducible research, as well as metadata and ontology in information science.

orcid scholar

Education, Outreach, & Training

My team at CyVerse supports a broad community of life scientists, earth scientists, astronomers, and social scientists through our Learning Center and External Collaborative Partnerships.


Spring 2020 Foundational Open Science Skills Cohort

As a research professor, I am not required to teach credit courses at the University. Currently, we teach workshops on foundations of open science and digital literacy via the Learning Center.

My team and I are members of The Carpentries and Research Bazaar Arizona.

carpentries resbazaz

We collaborate with The University of Arizona's Data Science Institute and their Fellows program.

Land Acknowledgement

We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples. Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O’odham and the Yaqui. Committed to diversity and inclusion, the University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.

Data & Code

Search or reuse my published & community released research data sets, or peruse the open source software projects I'm active with.